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Personnel Planning and Recruiting



Personnel Planning and Recruiting


Personnel Planning and Recruiting


Lecture Outline:


Workforce Planning and Forecasting

Improving Performance through HRIS: Workforce Planning

Strategy and Workforce Planning

Forecasting Personnel Needs (Labor Demand)                       

Improving Performance through HRIS

Forecasting the Supply of Inside Candidates

Forecasting the Supply of Outside Candidates

Predictive Workforce Monitoring’s Role in Talent Management

Developing an Action Plan to Match Projected Labor Supply and Labor Demand

Succession Planning

Why Effective Recruiting Is Important

Recruiting Yield Pyramid

Organizing How You Recruit     

Internal Sources of Candidates

Finding Internal Candidates

Outside Sources of Candidates

Recruiting via the Internet

Social Media and HR

Improving Performance through HRIS: Using Applicant Tracking


Employment Agencies

Temporary Workers and Alternative Staffing

Offshoring and Outsourcing Jobs

Executive Recruiters

Referrals and Walk-ins

On-Demand Recruiting Services

College Recruiting


Military Personnel

Evidence-Based HR: Measuring Recruiting Effectiveness and Reducing Recruitment Costs

Recruiting a More Diverse Workforce

Recruiting Women

Recruiting Single Parents

Older Workers

Recruiting Minorities

The Disabled

Developing and Using Application Forms

Purpose of Application Forms

Using Application Forms to Predict Job Performance


In Brief: 


This chapter explains the process of forecasting personnel requirements, discusses the pros and cons of methods used for recruiting job candidates, describes how to develop an application form, and explains how to use application forms to predict job performance.


Interesting Issues:  


The Internet has changed the face of recruiting, particularly in advertising for applicants. Employers can now reach more potential applicants in less time and at less expense. However, this tool has generated some challenges. Employers may get too many applicants, or fail to reach certain segments of the population.


Learning Objectives:


1.      <objective id="ch05os01ob01" label="1"><inst></inst><para><objective id="ch05os01ob02" label="2"><inst></inst><para>Explain the main techniques used in employment planning and forecasting.</para></objective>

2.      <objective id="ch05os01ob03" label="3"><inst></inst><para>Explain and give examples for the need for effective recruiting.</para></objective>

3.      <objective id="ch05os01ob04" label="4"><inst></inst><para>Name and describe the main internal sources of candidates.</para></objective>

4.      <objective id="ch05os01ob05" label="5"><inst></inst><para>List and discuss the main outside sources of candidates.</para></objective>

5.      <objective id="ch05os01ob06" label="6"><inst></inst><para><objective id="ch05os01ob07" label="7"><inst></inst><para>Explain how to recruit a more diverse workforce.</para></objective></objectiveset></section>

6.      Discuss practical guidelines for obtaining application information.


Annotated Outline:

I.  Workforce Planning and Forecasting

A.    Improving Performance through HRIS: Workforce Planning

B.     Strategy and Workforce Planning – workforce plans should flow from the firm's strategic plans and will be affected by the need to fill or eliminate positions and reduced or increase cost.

C.     Forecasting Personnel Needs (Labor Demand) – Forecast revenues, and then estimate the size of the staff required to achieve this sales volume.

                 1. Trend analysis requires studying a firm’s employment levels over a period of years to predict future needs.

                 2.            Ratio analysis involves making forecasts based on the ratio between (1) some causal factor, such as sales volume, and (2) the number of employees required, like the number of salespeople.

                 3.            The scatter plot shows graphically how two variables (such as a sales and your firm’s staffing levels) are related.

D.  Improving Performance through HRIS: computerized personnel forecasting enables managers to build more variables into their personnel projections. Forecasting supply candidates so manual systems and replacement charts

E.  Forecasting the Supply of Inside Candidates

                 1.            Manual Systems and Replacement Charts – Simple manual devices can be used to keep inventories and development records to compile qualifications information on each employee.  Personnel replacement charts show the present performance and promotability for each position’s potential replacement.  Position replacement cards can also be created for each position to show possible replacements as well as their present performance, promotion potential, and training.

                 2.    Computerized skills inventories are used to track the qualifications of hundreds or thousands of employees.  The system can provide managers who scan the database with a listing of candidates who have specified qualifications.

                3.              Markov analysis involves creating a matrix that shows probabilities that employee in the chain of feeder positions for a key job that will move from position to position and therefore be available to fill the key positions.

F.      Forecasting the Supply of Outside Candidates – This may involve considering general economic conditions and the expected rate of unemployment. 

G.    Predictive Workforce Mentoring's Role in Talent Management – Having a talent management philosophy for workforce planning requires organizations to pay continuous attention to workforce planning issues.

H.    Developing an Action Plan to Match Projected Labor Supply and Labor Demand – Organizations must create a workforce plan which lays out the projected workforce and skills gaps.

I.        Succession Planning involves developing workforce plans for the company's top positions and developing organizational leadership to enhance performance.

1.      Identify Key Needs - identify the company’s future positioning needs.

2.      Develop Inside Candidates - identifying inside or outside candidates and providing them with the development experiences they require to be file candidates in key positions.

3.      Assess and Choose Candidates - assessing and selecting candidates who will fill key positions.

II. Why Effective Recruiting Is Important

A.    The Recruiting Yield Pyramid is used by some managers to gauge the number of applicants they must generate to hire the required number of new employees. 

B.     Organizing How You Recruit – Companies make a choice to centralize their recruiting efforts in one place or to decentralize to various locations.  1.  Advantages of centralizing are that it is easier to apply the company’s strategy priorities company-wide. 

2. Decentralization is a more sensible choice if divisions are autonomous or needs are varied.

3. The Supervisor’s Role – The HR manager charged with filling an open position is seldom familiar with the job itself and must rely on the supervisor to give the details and specifications of the job or position.

III.  Internal Sources of Candidates

A.    Finding Internal Candidates – In other words, current employees or “hiring from within” are often the best source of candidates and is increasingly popular.

B.     Advantages of Inside Candidates: knowing the candidates strengths and weaknesses, may be more committed to the company, increases morale, and requires less training.

C.     A disadvantage to hiring inside candidates is that rejected applicants may be discontented. Inbreeding is another potential drawback.

D.   Rehiring former employees has its pros and cons.  On the positive side, they are known quantities and are already familiar with the organization. But former employees may return with negative attitudes. Current employees may perceive that the way to get ahead is to leave and come back.

IV. Outside Sources of Candidates

A.    Recruiting via the Internet – Most employers find that the Internet is their best choice for recruitment efforts. Social networking also provides recruiting assistance. Figure 5-7 lists top online recruiting job sites. Advantages – The Web is cost efficient, generating more responses more quickly and providing exposure for a longer time at less cost. Disadvantages – Gathering applications online may exclude higher numbers of older applicants and certain minorities. An employer may also get too many applications because of the Web’s broad reach and speed. There are also other web recruiting practices that include networking sites, texting, an organization’s personal recruiting website, and virtual job fairs. These can generate more responses quicker and for less cost than other forms of recruiting but they also have their disadvantages, such as less diversity of applicants.

B.     Advertising

1.      The Media – The best medium should be selected based on the positions for which you are recruiting.

2.      Constructing (Writing) the Ad – Many experienced advertisers use a four-point guide called AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action) to construct their ads.

C.     Employment Agencies

D.    Public and Nonprofit Agencies – Every state has a public, state-run employment service agency supported by the Department of Labor, in part through grants and other assistance, such as a nationwide computerized job bank. Many professional and technical societies and public welfare agencies have units that try to help their members or people in special categories find jobs.

E.     Private agencies charge fees for each applicant they place.  Typically, market conditions determine whether the candidate or employer pays the Temp Agencies and Alternative Staffing.

1.      Pros and Cons – The benefits of contingency staffing include increases in overall productivity, and time and expenses saved by not having to recruit, train, and document new employees.  The costs include agency fees and individuals’ psychological reference to their place of employment. Many employers use temporary agencies as a way to “test drive” prospective employees before hiring them.

2.      What Supervisors Should Know about Temporary Employees’ Concerns – Some of the major concerns of temporary employees include being treated in a dehumanizing and discouraging way and worrying about the lack of insurance and pension benefits.

3.      Legal Guidelines – Understanding the difference between contract workers and employees is very important. Let the temp agency assume as much responsibility for the temporary employee as possible. This helps to create a clear line between temps and employees.

F.      Alternative staffing refers to the use of nontraditional recruitment sources.

G.    Offshoring/Outsourcing Jobs – Hiring workers abroad is becoming more and more common.  There are several specific issues that the HR manager should keep in mind when considering this option.


Executive recruiters, also called headhunters, are special employment agencies retained by employers to seek out top-management talent for their clients.

1.      Pros and Cons – Recruiters can be useful and save a manager’s time, but they may be more interested in persuading managers to hire a candidate than in finding one who will really do the job.

2.      Guidelines – Make sure the recruiting firm is capable, meet the individual who will handle the assignment, and ask how much the firm charges. Never rely on the recruiter to do all the reference checking.

I.        On-Demand Recruiting Services (ODRS) – This service provides short-term specialized recruiting to support specific projects without the expense of retaining traditional search firms.  Basically, recruiters get paid by the hour or project, instead of a percentage fee.  Two trends – technology and specialization – are changing the executive search business.  Executive recruiters are becoming more specialized, and large ones are creating new businesses aimed specifically at specialized functions or industries.

J.       College Recruiting involves sending employers’ representatives to college campuses to prescreen applicants and create an applicant pool of management trainees, promotable candidates, and professional and technical employees.

K.    On-Campus recruiting goals involve attracting good candidates and determining whether a candidate is worthy of further consideration. The school’s reputation and the performance of previous hires from that source affect school selection.

1.      On-site visits are usually extended to good candidates.

L.     Internships are a recruiting approach that can be a win-win situation for the employer and the student.  For employers, interns can make useful contributions while being evaluated for possible full-time employment.  Students are able to hone business skills, check out potential employers, and learn more about their likes and dislikes.


Referrals and Walk-Ins are alternatives for identifying potential candidates. Referrals tend to generate high-quality candidates. Walk-in candidates may be attracted by posting a “Help Wanted” sign.

N.    Telecommuters – These individuals work from home.

O.    Military Personnel – Returning and discharged military personnel can provide a great soure of trained recruits.

P.      Recruiting Source Use and Effectiveness – Table 5-1 gives guidelines to improve a firm’s recruiting efforts.

Q.    Evidence-Based HR: Measuring the Recruiting Effectiveness – Several examples of how organizations can measure recruiting effectiveness are discussed.

R.     Improving Performance through HRIS: An Integrated Approach to Recruiting an integrated technology approach to recruiting. Elements should include a requisition management system, a recruiting solution, screening services, and  hiring management software.

V. Recruiting a More Diverse Workforce

A.    Single Parents – Formulating an intelligent program for attracting single parents should begin with understanding the considerable problems they often encounter in balancing work and family life.

B.     Older Workers – With the entire population aging, many employers are encouraging retirement-age employees not to leave, or are actively recruiting employees who are at or beyond retirement age by making their companies an attractive place in which older workers can work. An image of older worker-friendliness and flexibility in scheduling are vital.

C.     Recruiting minorities  requires employers to tailor their way of thinking and to design HR practices that make their firms attractive to minority workers.

D.    Welfare-to-Work – The Federal Personal Responsibility and Welfare Reconciliation Act of 1996 prompted many employers to implement programs to attract and assimilate former welfare recipients.

E.     The Disabled – Employers can do several things to tap into this huge potential workforce. The Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy offers several programs, and all states have local agencies that provide placement services and other recruitment and training tools.

VI. Developing and Using Application Forms

A.    Purpose of Applications Forms – Application forms are a good way to quickly collect verifiable and fairly accurate historical data from the candidate.

B.     Application Guidelines – Organizations should request detailed information on each prior employer, including the name of the supervisor and his or her email address and telephone number; this is essential for reference checking. Also, in signing the application, the applicant should certify his or her understanding that falsified statements may be cause for dismissal, that investigation of credit, employment, and driving records is authorized, that a medical examination may be required, that drug screening tests may be required, and that employment is for no definite period.

C.     Application Forms and EEO Law – Employers should carefully review their application forms to ensure they comply with equal employment laws. Questions to review include those asking about dates of graduation, arrest records, emergency contacts, physical disabilities, marital status, and housing arrangements.

D.    Using Application Forms to Predict Job Performance – Some firms use application forms to predict which candidates will be successful and which will not by conducting statistical studies to find the relationship between (1) responses on the application form and (2) measures of success on the job.

E.     Mandatory Arbitration – Many employers, in order to avoid the high cost of lawsuits, require applicants to agree to binding arbitration to settle disputes.


Improving Performance Questions:


5-1: Explain how Valero might use the Towers Watson workforce planning procession pages 122–123.  

5-2: You own a small chemical engineering company and want to hire a new president. Based on what you read in this chapter, how would you go about doing so, and why?

5-3: What other tools described in this chapter could GE Medical use to improve recruiting efficiency?

5-4: Review several employers’ online applications. Do they conform to the guidelines in this feature?


Discussion Questions:

5-5: What are the pros and con of five sources of job candidates? 


      The text lists several sources of job candidates, both internal and external.  The student should clearly identify the differences, as well as comparative strengths and weaknesses of each.  There are at least the following sources to choose from:  advertisements, employment agencies, executive recruiters, state job services, college recruiting efforts, referrals, employee databases, internal, and talent searches.


5-6: What are the four main types of information that application forms provide?


      The application form is a good means of quickly collecting verifiable, and therefore potentially accurate, historical data from the candidate.  It usually includes information on education, prior work history, and other experience related to the job  The application form can provide four types of information:  1. substantive matters (such as education and experience); 2. previous progress and growth; 3. stability based on previous work history; and 4. prediction of job success.


5-7: How, specifically, do equal employment laws apply to personnel recruiting activities? 


      The student should be able to discuss the areas in which the laws and regulations covered in Chapter 2 apply to the issues of planning and recruiting.  This would include constraints on sources used for candidates (i.e. not excessive reliance on referrals), the wording of questions asked on application forms or in interviews, and planning decisions that must not be overly detrimental to a protected group.


5-8: What should employers keep in mind when using Internet sites to find job candidates? 


      Use keyword searches, don’t recycle your newspaper ads, give quick feedback, ensure privacy, use applicant tracking. 


5-9:  What are the five main things you would do to recruit and retain a more diverse workforce? 


      The student should first be able to identify groups that would create a diverse workforce.  Examples found in the text are: single parents, older workers, minorities and women, welfare recipients, and global candidates.  In order to retain these employees, students would first need to understand the needs of each group, and then create plans and programs that accommodate these specific needs.  For example, to attract and keep single mothers, employers could give employees schedule flexibility, and train the supervisors to have an increased awareness of and sensitivity to the challenges single parents face.


Individual and Group Activities:

5-10: Bring to class several classified and display ads from the Sunday help wanted ads.  Analyze the effectiveness of these ads using the guidelines discussed in the chapter.


The effectiveness should be analyzed using the following list:  attracts attention, develops interest, creates desire, and prompts action.


5-11: Working individually or in groups, develop a forecast for the next five years of occupational market conditions for various occupations such as accountant, nurse, and engineer.


      Be sure that the forecasts that the students develop are grounded in information gleaned from these sources.  They should do an adequate analysis of the statistics. (Explain the process of personnel planning and forecasting.)


5-12: Working individually or in groups, visit the local office of your state employment agency (or check out their website).  Come back to class prepared to discuss the following questions:  What types of jobs seem to be available through this agency, predominantly?  To what extent do you think this particular agency would be a good source of professional, technical, and/or managerial applicants?  What sorts of paperwork are applicants to the state agency required to complete before their applications are processed by the agency?  What other services does the office provide?  What other opinions did you form about the state agency?


      The answers to this will vary greatly by state and local offices.  Generally, these agencies may be more oriented to unskilled than skilled positions; rarely do they handle professional and managerial positions...although some do quite a bit.  Although students may come back with a negative view of these offices, help them to understand the valuable role that they do play.  A special note of courtesy:  make sure that you have discussed this assignment with the local agency office.  Surprise visits by several groups during busy periods can create some especially negative relations between the office and your school.  Make sure the students are welcome and expected.


5-13: Working individually or in groups, find at least 5 employment ads either on the Internet or in a local newspaper that suggest that the company is family friendly and should appeal to women, minorities, older workers, and single parents.  Discuss what they’re doing to be family friendly. 


      Students should identify statements in the ad that would suggest that an employer is aiming to be family friendly.


5-14: Working individually or in groups, interview a manager between the ages of 25 and 35 at a local business who manages employees 40 or older.  Ask the manager to describe three or four of his or her most challenging experiences managing older employees.


      Students should probe the manager to see if he/she mentions that the older employee found the experience challenging as well.


5-15: The HRCI “Test Specifications” appendix at the end of this book lists the knowledge someone studying for the HRCI certification exam needs to know in each area of human resource management (such as in Strategic Management, Workforce Planning, and Human Resource Development).  In groups of 4-5 students, do four things: (1) review that appendix now; (2) identify the material in this chapter that relates to the required knowledge the appendix lists; (3) write four multiple-choice exam questions on this material that you believe would be suitable for inclusion in the HRCI exam; and (4) if time permits, have someone from your team post your team’s questions in front of the class, so the students on other teams can take each other’s exam questions.


Experiential Exercise:


Experiential Exercise: The Nursing Shortage


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to give you experience in creating a recruitment program.


Required Understanding: You should be thoroughly familiar with the contents of this chapter, and with the nurse recruitment program of a hospital such as Lenox Hill Hospital in New York (see http://lenoxhillhospital.org/careers_default.aspx).


How to Set up the Exercise/Instructions: Set up groups of four to five students for this exercise. The groups should work separately and should not converse with each other. Each group should address the following tasks:


Discussion Questions:


5-16: Based on information available on the hospital’s website, create a hard-copy ad for the hospital to place in the Sunday edition of the New York Times. Which (geographic) editions of the Times would you use, and why?

5-17: Analyze the hospital’s current online nurses’ ad. How would you improve on it?

5-18: Prepare in outline form a complete nurses’ recruiting program for this hospital, including all recruiting sources your group would use.


Video Case Appendix:


Video Title: Recruiting (Hautelook)




The online fashion retailer Hautelook is growing quickly and needs to recruit new employees at a rapid rate. The video discusses the company’s methods for recruiting job applicants and for finding the best potential employees from among its applicants. Hautelook prefers to promote internal job candidates, but also to hire applicants who are most familiar with the company—ideally, previous customers.


Discussion Questions:


5-19: Explain the importance of employee referrals to Hautelook’s recruiting.

5-20: Based on the chapter, what other recruiting tools would you suggest a company like this use, and why?

5-21: How would you suggest Hautelook deal with the problem of receiving too many résumé applications?

5-22: Given that it loves to promote internally, what other steps would you suggest Hautelook take to facilitate this?

5-23: From what Hautelook says, is it really necessary for the company to use employment agencies? Why?


Video Title: Personnel Planning and Recruiting (Gawker Media)




Gawker Media founder Nick Denton analyzes how his company responded to the 2007–2010 recession. A key was planning for staffing levels.



Discussion Questions:

5-24: Based on what we discussed in Chapter 5, what advice would you give Gawker regarding how to improve its personnel planning?

5-25: How is it that some organizations succeed during a recession?

5-26: Evaluate Gawker Media’s practice of recruiting new writers from the people who comment on its sites. How would you suggest the company improve its recruiting practices overall?


Application Case: Finding People Who Are Passionate About What They Do

5-27: Identify some of the established selection techniques that underlie Trilogy’s unconventional approach to attracting talent.


Trilogy actively recruits potential employees early in the hiring cycle.  Their techniques include reviewing resumes (over 15,000 in one year), attending job and career fairs, conducting on-campus interviews (over 4,000), flying in prospects for interviews, and having more personalized procedures for handling top recruits.


5-28: What particular elements of Trilogy’s culture most likely appeal to the kind of employees it seeks? How does it convey those elements to job prospects?


A number of company characteristics may appeal to programmers, including: no dress code, no regular work schedule, self-directed scheduling, co-workers with similar interests, and technically challenging work.


5-29: Would Trilogy be an appealing employer for you? Why or why not? If not, what would it take for you to accept a job offer from Trilogy?


Students may answer this either way.  Students who require more structure may want to know about career paths, mentoring, and measures of success. They may want the company to make some sort of symbolic comment to them.


5-30: What suggestions would you make to Trilogy for improving their recruiting processes?


The student should refer to the section on outside sources of candidates and put themselves in the shoes of a prospect to make their suggestions.

Continuing Case:  Carter Cleaning Company – Getting Better Applicants


5-31: First, how would you recommend we go about reducing the turnover in our stores?

The students should base their responses on the information presented in the advertising section of the chapter, and their response should include placing and constructing ads that will attract candidates who will find the job attractive.

5-32: Provide a detailed list of recommendations concerning how we should go about increasing our pool of acceptable job applicants, so we no longer have to hire almost anyone who walks in the door.  (Your recommendations regarding the latter should include completely worded online and hard-copy advertisements and recommendations regarding any other recruiting strategies you would suggest we use.)


The students should review the section on outside sources of candidates, and their responses should include advertising and the possible use of employment and/or temp agencies.


Hotel Paris: Improving Performance at the Hotel Pairs - The New Recruitment Process


5-33: Given the hotel’s stated employee preferences, what recruiting sources would you suggest they use, and why?

Though the local paper may bring in applicants, the development of a succession plan will ensure that lower-level employees are ready to move into higher levels when an opening occurs.  College recruitment and employee referral may also be a good resource. The company should begin using selection testing, particularly in the areas of integrity and conscientiousness.


5-34: What would a Hotel Paris help wanted ad look like?

Elements from the text should be incorporated into student responses, which will vary. The hotel should consider developing a recognizable logo and color scheme, along with a standard format for ads, which should be used by the various hotels.


5-35: How would you suggest they measure the effectiveness of their recruiting efforts?

The number of qualified applicants per position, percentage of jobs filled from within, the offer-to-acceptance ratio, acceptance by recruiting source, turnover by recruiting source, and selection test results by recruiting source are used by other hotels, and should be considered for use by Hotel Paris.

Key Terms:


Workforce (or Employment, or Personnel) Planning - The process of deciding what position the firm will have to fill, and how to fill them.


Succession Planning - The ongoing process of systematically identifying, assessing, and developing organizational leadership to enhance performance.


Trend Analysis - Studying variations in the firm's employment levels over the past few years.


Ratio Analysis - Making forecasts based on the historical ratio between (1) some casual factor (like sales volume) and (2) the number of employers required (such as number of salespeople).


Scatter Plot - Shows graphically how to variables such as sales and your firms staffing levels are related.


Qualifications (or Skills) Inventories - These contain data on employees performance records, and educational background, and promotability. Whether manual or computerized, these help managers determine which employees are available for promotion or transfer.


Personnel Replacement Chart - Chart showing the present performance and promotability for each position's potential replacement.


Position Replacement Card - A card created for each position showing possible replacements as well is there present performance, promotion potential, and training.


Employee Recruiting - Finding and/or attracting applicants for the employer’s open positions.


Recruiting Yield Pyramid - Used by managers as a staffing tool to gauge staffing issues that need to be addressed.


Job Posting - Publicizing the open job to employees (usually by literally posting it on employee internets or bulletin boards).


Applicant Tracking Systems - Online systems that help employers attract, gather, screen, compile, and manage applicants.


Alternative Staffing -The use of nontraditional recruitment sources


On-Demand Recruiting Services (ODRS) - These services provide short-term, specialized recruiting services usually paid for by the hour or project, rather than on a percentage fee.


College Recruiting - Sending an employer’s representatives to college campuses to prescreen applicants and create an applicant pool from the graduating class.


Application Form - The form that provides information on education, prior work record, and skills and is usually the first step in the applicant prescreening process.




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