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Defining Marketing for the 21st Century

中國經濟管理大學12年前 (2013-01-05)講座會議536

Defining Marketing for the 21st Century

    In this chapter, we will address the following questions:
    1. Why is marketing important?
    2. What is the scope of marketing?
    3. What are some fundamental marketing concepts?
    4. How has marketing management changed in recent years?
    5. What are the tasks necessary for successful marketing management?
    1. Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating,
    communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in
    ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. Marketing management is the art and
    science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and growing customers through
    creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value.
    2. Marketers are skilled at managing demand: they seek to influence its level, timing, and
    composition for goods, services, events, experiences, persons, places, properties,
    organizations, information, and ideas. They also operate in four different marketplaces:
    consumer, business, global, and nonprofit.
    3. Marketing is not done only by the marketing department. It needs to affect every aspect of
    the customer experience. To create a strong marketing organization, marketers must think like
    executives in other departments, and executives in other departments must think more like
    4. Today’s marketplace is fundamentally different as a result of major societal forces that
    have resulted in many new consumer and company capabilities. These forces have created
    new opportunities and challenges and changed marketing management significantly as
    companies seek new ways to achieve marketing excellence.
    5. There are five competing concepts under which organizations can choose to conduct their
    business: the production concept, the product concept, the selling concept, the marketing
    concept, and the holistic marketing concept. The first three are of limited use today.
    6. The holistic marketing concept is based on the development, design, and implementation
    of marketing programs, processes, and activities that recognize their breadth and
    interdependencies. Holistic marketing recognizes that everything matters in marketing and
    that a broad, integrated perspective is often necessary. Four components of holistic marketing
    are relationship marketing, integrated marketing, internal marketing, and socially responsible

    7. The set of tasks necessary for successful marketing management includes developing
    marketing strategies and plans, capturing marketing insights, connecting with customers,
    building strong brands, shaping the market offerings, delivering and communicating value,
    and creating long-term growth.
    Marketing is too often confused and identified with advertising or selling techniques, and our
    practices and theories are all too often invisible to the average consumer. The instructor should
    spend some class time differentiating between advertising/promotion techniques and
    Students who are not marketing majors will have some difficulty accepting the encompassing
    role that marketing has on the other functional disciplines within a firm. For those students
    who have never been exposed to marketing and its components, the instructor’s challenge is to
    educate the students about the world of marketing. The in-class and outside of class
    assignments noted in this text should help both educate and excite the students about the
    “world of marketing.”
    1. Semester-Long Marketing Plan Project
    An effective way to help students learn about marketing management is through the actual
    creation of a marketing plan for a product or service. This project is designed to
    accomplish such a task.
    Dividing the class into groups, have each group decide on a “fictional” consumer product
    or service they wish to bring to market. During the course of the semester, each of the
    elements of the marketing plan, coordinating with the text chapter, will be due for the
    instructor’s review. The instructor is encouraged to review each submission and suggest
    areas for improvement, for more detailed study, or if acceptable to allow the students to
    proceed to the next phase in development. Students can use the computer program
    Marketing Plan Pro in creating their proposals and submissions and in their final
    presentation(s). At the end of the semester, each group is to present their entire marketing
    plan to the class.

    The following is an outline of this process:
    Chapter # Title Element of the Marketing Plan Due
    1 Defining Marketing for
    the 21st Century
    None, group formation and begin the process
    of selecting the product or service.

    2 Developing Marketing
    Strategies and Plans
    Formation of groups; first presentation of
    “product” to instructor for approval.

    3 Collecting Information
    and Forecasting Demand
    Competitive information and environmental
    scanning project(s) completed and presented
    for instructor’s review.

    4 Conducting Marketing
    Initial marketing research parameters
    completed; demand forecasted and target
    market selections defined.

    5 Creating Long-Term
    Loyalty Relationships
    Students should have completed their value
    proposition for the fictional product, defined
    how they will deliver satisfaction, and
    maintain customer loyalty.

    6 Analyzing Consumer
    Definitive data on the consumer for the
    product/service including all demographic and
    other pertinent information obtained and ready
    for instructor’s approval.

    7 Analyzing Business
    No report due for this chapter; allows students
    and instructor to “catch up” on the project.

    8 Identifying Market
    Segments and Targets
    Specific market segmentation, targeting, and
    positioning statements by the students due.

    9 Creating Brand Equity At this point in the semester, students are to
    have their “branding” strategy developed for
    their project. Questions to have been
    completed include the brand name, its equity
    position, and the decisions in developing the
    brand strategy.

    10 Crafting the Brand
    At this point in the semester, student projects
    should be completed to include their fictional
    product or service’s brand positioning. In
    relationship to the material contained in the
    chapter, students should have delineated and
    designed a differentiated brand positioning for
    their project.

    11 Competitive Dynamics At this point in the semester-long project,
    students should be prepared to present their
    competitive analysis. Who are the market
    leaders for their chosen product or service?
    What niche have they identified for their
    product/service? Is their product or service
    going to be a leader, follower, or challenger to
    well-established products or brands?

    12 Setting Product Strategy At this point in the semester-long project,
    students should have set their group project’s
    product or service strategy. Instructors are to
    evaluate their submissions on the product (or
    service) features, quality, and price and other
    considerations of “product” found in this

    13 Designing and
    Managing Services
    At this point in the semester-long project,
    those students who have selected a “service”
    idea for the marketing plan must submit their
    offering. Students whose project is a “productbased”
    component do not have anything to
    submit for this chapter.

    14 Developing Pricing
    Strategies and Programs
    At this point in the semester-long project,
    students should be prepared to hand in their
    pricing strategy decisions for their fictional
    product/service. In reviewing this section, the
    instructor should make sure that the students
    have addressed all or most of the material
    concerning pricing covered in this chapter.

    15 Designing and
    Managing Integrated
    At this point in the semester-long project,
    students should present their channel decisions
    for getting their product or service to the
    consumer. In evaluating this section, the
    instructor should evaluate the completeness of
    the projects to the material contained in this

    16 Managing Retailing,
    Wholesaling, and
    At this point in the semester-long project for
    the “fictional” product or service, students
    should be directed to turn in their retailing,
    wholesaling, and logistical marketing plans.
    Those students who are acting in the role of
    providing a new “service” should include here
    their plans for locations, hours of operations,
    and how their “service” plans on managing
    demand and capacity issues.

    17 Designing and
    Managing Integrated
    At this point in the semester-long project,
    students should have agreed upon their
    integrated marketing communications matrix.
    The instructor is encouraged to evaluate the
    submissions vis-à-vis the material presented in
    this chapter. In reviewing the submissions, the
    instructor should evaluate the continuity of the
    message across all possible communication
    media (students will tend to concentrate their
    media on television or on the Internet and

    selling and radio).

    18 Managing Mass
    Advertising, Sales
    Promotion, Events and
    Experiences, and Public
    At this point in the semester-long project,
    students should submit their advertising
    program complete with objectives, budget,
    advertising message, and creative strategy,
    media decisions, and sales and promotional

    19 Managing Personal
    Communications: Direct
    and Interactive
    Marketing, Word of
    Mouth, and Personal
    At this point in the semester-long project,
    students who have decided to market their
    product/service through direct market channels
    should submit their proposals. All other groups
    must decide at this point if they will use a
    direct sales force, and if so, to outline the
    specifics (including financials) for this option.

    20 Introducing New Market
    At this point in the semester-long project, in
    this section should be a brief write up by the
    students as to the consumer-adoption process
    for their new product. How will the consumer
    learn about their new product and how quickly
    will they adopt it? Will the product be targeted
    to the heavy users and early adopters first, then
    early and late majorities? What is their
    estimated time for full adoption?

    21 Tapping into Global
    If the project is to be exported to another
    country, then students’ submissions regarding
    how the product is to be distributed should be
    included here; otherwise this begins the
    presentation phase of the project; student
    groups should begin their presentations to the

    22 Managing a Holistic
    Marketing Organization
    Second phase of the presentations of the
    project; students should ensure that their
    marketing plans contains a holistic view of the
    marketing process.
    Under the projects heading for each chapter will be a reminder of the material due when that
    chapter is scheduled to be discussed in class.
    In small groups, ask the students to comment on the recent Presidential election and discuss
    how they thought the messages were communicated—visually through signs and posters, by
    sound, or via verbal communication? Ask the students to break down these messages into 1-
    minute segments, and then total the amount of messages for the time spent. What conclusions
    can you draw from the number of messages you were exposed to in the time period for
    Assign students the task of visiting some companies Web sites to see if they feel that the
    company is responding to the changes in marketing today, namely, customer-orientated
    marketing. Suggestions include firms like Rollerblade and Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream. Have
    the students comment on what they find there of particular interest to them.
    Students can choose a firm of their preference, interview key marketing management
    members and ask the firm how they are reacting to the changes in marketing management for
    the 21st Century (students should ask and have answers to all of the 14 points listed in the
    chapter in Table 1.1).
    Have the students read Suzanne Vranica’s “Marketers Aim New Ads at Video iPod Users,”
    Wall Street Journal, January 31, 2006 and Li Yuan and Brian Steinberg’s “Sales Call: More

    Ads Hit Cellphone Screens,” Wall Street Journal, February 2, 2006, p. B3 and comment on
    how effective they believe cell phone advertisements will be in the future.
    Have the students reflect upon their favorite product and/or service. Then have the students
    collect marketing examples from each of these companies. This information should be in the
    form of examples of printed advertising, copies of television commercials, Internet
    advertising, or radio commercials. During class, have the students share what they have
    collected with others. Questions to ask during the class discussion should focus on why this
    particular example of advertising elicits a response from you. What do you like/dislike about
    this marketing message? Does everyone in the class like/dislike this advertising?
    MARKETING DEBATE—Does Marketing Create or Satisfy Needs?
    Marketing has often been defined in terms of satisfying customers’ needs and wants. Critics,
    however, maintain that marketing goes beyond that and creates needs and wants that did not
    exist before. They feel marketers encourage consumers to spend more money than they should
    on goods and services they do not really need.
    Take a position
    Marketing shapes consumer needs and wants versus marketing merely reflects the needs and
    wants of customers.
    Suggested Response
    Pro: With the vast amount of information available to marketers today and the emphasis on
    relational marketing, marketers are in more of a position to suggest needs and wants to the
    public. Certainly, not all consumers have all the needs and wants suggested by society today.
    However, with the vast amount of exposure to these societal needs and wants via the media, a
    substantial amount of consumers will, through mere exposure, decide that they “have” the
    same needs and wants of others. Marketers by their efforts increase peer pressure, and group
    thinking, by showing examples of what others may have that they do not. An individual’s
    freedom to choose is substantially weakened by constant and consistent exposure to a range of
    needs and wants of others. Marketers should understand that when it comes to resisting the
    pressure to conform, that individuals are and can be weak in their resolve. Marketers must take
    an ethical position to only market to those consumers able to purchase their products.
    Con: Marketing merely reflects societal needs and wants. The perception that marketers
    influence consumers’ purchasing decisions discounts an individual’s freedom of choice and
    their individual responsibility. With the advent of the Internet, consumers have greater
    freedom of choice and more evaluative criteria than every before. Consumers can and do
    make more informed decisions than previous generations. Marketers can be rightly accused of
    influencing wants, along with societal factors such as power, influence, peer pressure, and
    social status. These societal factors pre-exist marketing and would continue to exist if there
    was no marketing efforts expended.

    Consider the broad shifts in marketing. Do any themes emerge in them? Can you relate the
    shifts to the major societal forces? Which force has contributed to which shift?
    Suggested Response
    The major themes that emerge in these broad shifts are technology, decentralization, and
    empowerment. As companies face increased global competition, they are beginning to
    increase their attention to all aspects of marketing and are beginning to encompass marketing
    as a corporate goal and not just a departmental function.
    The major societal forces at work: two-income families, increased technology, fewer firms,
    increased consumer education, and empowerment are forcing companies and marketers to
    shift their thinking about marketing and rethink their best business practices.
    Marketing Excellence: Nike
    1.What are the pros, cons, and risks associated with Nike’s core marketing strategy?
    Suggested Answer:
    One of Nike’s core marketing strategies is their belief in the “pyramid of influence” and its
    dependency on a core group of athletes to influence shoe purchases. While this may have
    worked in the past, there is no guarantee that future athletes will command such influence on
    the shoe purchaser in the future. Athlete influence(s) can and could decrease due to changing
    consumer preferences and changes in consumer tastes and priorities. Athletic influence could
    be adversely affected by the actions/inactions by Nike’s chosen spokespersons.
    2.If you were adidas, how would you compete with Nike?
    Suggested Answer: I would emphasize my “international” scope of producing great soccer
    shoes and could also extend my marketing to emphasize my “everyday / everyone” usage for
    my products. Creating a point of difference for adidas versus Nike is key to a sustainable
    advantage—adidas’ soccer shoes for example are a good starting point to differentiate one
    brand versus another.
    Marketing Excellence: GOOGLE
    1. With a portfolio as wide as Google’s, what is the company’s core brand value?
    Suggested Answer: Google’s core brand value is “to organize the world’s information and
    make it universally accessible and useful” as stated by Google. This means that Google is
    trying to provide its advertisers better tools to target their ads and understand the effectiveness
    of their advertising. Google’s management believes that information should be shared
    amongst all peoples, at all times, from all platforms.

    2. What’s next for Google? Is it doing the right thing taking on Microsoft with the concept of
    cloud computing, and Apple in the fight for Smartphone?
    Student answers will vary depending upon the “allegiance” to Apple products, but for the
    most part, Google is providing / can provide credible competition to both Microsoft and Apple
    for and in mobile computing which seems to be the future of and use for the personal
    Formally or informally, people and organizations engage in a vast number of activities
    we could call marketing. Good marketing has become increasingly vital for success. But
    what constitutes good marketing is constantly evolving and changing. The election of
    Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States was attributed, in part, to the
    adoption of new marketing practices.
    Good marketing is no accident, but a result of careful planning and execution using stateof-
    the-art tools and techniques. It becomes both an art and a science as marketers strive to
    find creative new solutions to often-complex challenges amid profound changes in the
    21st Century marketing environment.
    The first decade of the 21st Century challenged firms to prosper financially and even survive in
    the face of an unforgiving economic environment. Marketing is playing a key role in
    addressing those challenges. Finance, operations, accounting, and other business functions
    won’t really matter without sufficient demand for products and services so the firm can make
    a profit. In other words, there must be a top line for there to be a bottom line.
    Marketing’s broader importance extends to society as a whole. Marketing has helped
    introduce and gain acceptance of new products that have eased or enriched people’s lives.
    CEOs recognize the role of marketing in building strong brands and a loyal customer base,
    intangible assets that contribute heavily to the value of a firm.
    Marketers must decide what features to design into a new product or service, what prices to
    set, where to sell products or offer services, and how much to spend on advertising, sales, the
    Internet, or mobile marketing.
    To prepare to be a marketer, you need to understand what marketing is, how it works, who
    does it, and what is marketed.
    What Is Marketing?
    Marketing is about identifying and meeting human and social needs. One of the shortest good
    definitions of marketing is “meeting needs profitably.”

    A) The American Marketing Association offers the following formal definition:
    “Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating,
    communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers,
    clients, partners, and society at large.”
    B) Marketing management is the art and science of choosing target markets and getting,
    keeping, and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating
    superior customer value.
    C) We can distinguish between a social and managerial definition of marketing. A social
    definition of marketing is that “marketing is a societal process by which individuals
    and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and freely
    exchanging products and services of value with others.”
    D) Managers sometimes think of marketing as “the art of selling products,” but many
    people are surprised when they hear that selling is not the most important part of
    marketing! Selling is only the tip of the marketing iceberg.
    What Is Marketed?
    Marketers market 10 main types of entities: goods, services, events, experiences, persons,
    places, properties, organizations, information, and ideas. Let’s take a quick look at these
    A) Goods
    Physical goods constitute the bulk of most countries’ production and marketing
    B) Services
    As economies advance, a growing proportion of their activities focus on the
    production of services. The U.S. economy today produces a 70-30 services-to-goods
    C) Events
    Marketers promote time-based events, such as major trade shows, artistic
    performances, and company anniversaries.
    D) Experiences
    By orchestrating several services and goods, a firm can create, stage, and market
    experiences. Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom allows customers to visit a fairy
    kingdom, a pirate ship, or a haunted house.
    E) Persons
    Artists, musicians, CEOs, physicians, high-profile lawyers and financiers, and other
    professionals all get help from celebrity marketers.
    F) Places
    Cities, states, regions, and whole nations compete to attract tourists, residents,
    factories, and company headquarters.

    G) Properties
    Properties are intangible rights of ownership to either real property (real estate) or
    financial property (stocks and bonds).
    H) Organizations
    Organizations work to build a strong, favorable, and unique image in the minds of
    their target publics.
    I) Information
    The production, packaging, and distribution of information are major industries.
    J) Ideas
    Every market offering includes a basic idea. Products and services are platforms for
    delivering some idea or benefit.
    Who Markets?
    Marketers and Prospects
    A marketer is someone who seeks a response—attention, a purchase, a vote, a donation—
    from another party, called the prospect.
    A) Marketers are skilled at stimulating demand for their products
    B) Marketing managers seek to influence the level, timing, and composition of demand to
    meet the organization’s objectives. Eight demand states are possible:
    1. Negative demand - Consumers dislike the product and may even pay to avoid it.
    2. Nonexistent demand - Consumers may be unaware of or uninterested in the
    3. Latent demand - Consumers may share a strong need that cannot be satisfied by
    an existing product.
    4. Declining demand - Consumers begin to buy the product less frequently or not at
    5. Irregular demand - Consumer purchases vary on a seasonal, monthly, weekly,
    daily, or even hourly basis.
    6. Full demand - Consumers are adequately buying all products put into the
    7. Overfull demand - More consumers would like to buy the product than can be
    8. Unwholesome demand - Consumers may be attracted to products that have
    undesirable social consequences.

    Traditionally, a “market” was a physical place where buyers and sellers gathered to buy and
    sell goods. Economists describe a market as a collection of buyers and sellers who transact
    over a particular product or product class.
    The five basic markets are:
    A) Resource Markets
    B) Government Markets
    C) Manufacturer Markets
    D) Intermediary Markets
    E) Consumer Markets
    A) Sellers and buyers are connected by flows:
    1) Seller sends goods, services, and communications to the market.
    2) In return they receive money and information.
    3) There is an exchange of money for goods and services.
    4) There is an exchange of information.
    Marketers use the term market to cover various grouping as customers. They view sellers as
    constituting the industry and buyers as constituting the market. They talk about need markets,
    product markets, demographic markets, and geographic markets; or they extend the concept to
    cover voter markets, labor markets, and donor markets.
    Sellers and buyers are connected by four flows (Figure 1.2). Sellers send goods and services
    and communications such as ads and direct mail to the market: in return they receive money
    and information such as customer attitudes and sales data.
    Key Customer Markets
    A) Consumer Markets
    Consumer goods and services, such as soft drinks and cosmetics, spend a great deal of
    time trying to establish a superior brand image.
    B) Business Markets
    Companies selling business goods and services often face well-informed professional
    buyers skilled at evaluating competitive offerings.
    C) Global Markets
    Companies in the global marketplace must decide which countries to enter; how to
    enter each; how to adapt product and service features to each country; how to price
    products in different countries; and how to design communications for different
    D) Nonprofit and Governmental Markets

    Companies selling to nonprofit organizations with limited purchasing power need to
    be price careful.
    Marketplaces, Marketspaces, Metamarkets
    A) The marketplace is physical,
    B) The marketspace is digital,
    C) Metamarkets are the result of marketers packaging a system that simplifies carrying
    out these related products/service activities.
    Needs, Wants, and Demands
    Needs (basic human requirements, needs become wants when they are directed to specific
    objects that may satisfy the need.)
    Marketers do not create needs, needs pre-exist marketers. Marketers influence wants.
    We distinguish five types of needs:
    A) Stated needs
    B) Real needs
    C) Unstated needs
    D) Delight needs
    E) Secret needs
    Target markets, Positioning and Segmentation
    A) Marketers start by dividing the market into segments. Identify and profile distinct
    groups of buyers who might prefer or require varying products/services mixes by
    1) Demographic information
    2) Psychographic information
    3) Behavioral information
    B) Target market – which group presents the greatest opportunity
    C) Market offering – develops an offering to satisfy the wants of the target market
    D) Offering and Brands
    I) Value proposition: a set of benefits they offer to customers to satisfy their needs
    II) Brand: is an offering from a known source
    E) Value and Satisfaction
    I) The buyer chooses the offering he or she perceives to deliver the most value, the
    sum of the tangible and intangible benefits and costs to her.

    II) Value is a central marketing concept
    III) Customer value triad is the combination of quality, service, and prices (qsp).
    Value perceptions increase with quality and service but decrease with price.
    F) Marketing Channels: To reach a target market, the marketer uses three kinds of
    marketing channels.
    I) Communication channels
    II) Distribution channels
    III) Service channels
    G) Supply Chain
    I) The supply chain is a longer channel stretching from raw materials to components
    to finished products carried to final buyers.
    H) Competition: includes all the actual and potential rival offerings and substitutes a
    buyer might consider.
    I) Marketing environment
    I) Task environment: includes the actors engaged in producing, distributing, and
    promoting the offering.
    II) Broad environment:
    a. Demographic
    b. Environment
    c. Economic
    d. Physical
    e. Technological
    f. Political-Legal
    g. Social-Cultural
    Major societal forces affecting marketing:
    A) Network information technology
    B) Globalization
    C) Degregulation
    D) Privatization
    E) Heightened Competition
    F) Industry Convergence
    G) Retail Transformation

    H) Disintermediation
    I) Consumer buying power
    J) Consumer information
    K) Consumer participation
    L) Consumer resistance
    New Consumer Capabilities: These major societal forces create complex challenges for
    marketers, but they have also generated a new set of capabilities to help companies cope and
    A) Marketers can use the Internet as a powerful information and sales channel
    B) Marketers can collect fuller and richer information about markets, customers, and
    C) Marketers can tap into social media to amplify their brand message
    D) Marketers can facilitate and speed external communication among customers
    E) Marketers can send ads, coupons, samples, and information to customers who have
    requested them or given the company permission to send them
    F) Marketers can reach consumers on the move with mobile marketing
    G) Companies can make and sell individually differentiated goods
    H) Companies can improve purchasing, recruiting, training, and internal and external
    I) Companies can facilitate and speed internal communication among their employees
    by using the Internet as a private Intranet
    J) Companies can improve their cost efficiency by skillful use of the Internet
    Although an effective CMO is crucial, increasingly marketing is not done only by the
    marketing department. Because marketing must affect every aspect of the customer
    experience, marketers must properly manage all possible touch points. Marketing must also be
    influential in key general management activities.
    Review of the evolution of earlier marketing ideas:
    The Production Concept
    A) The production concept holds that consumers will prefer products that are widely
    available and inexpensive.
    The Product Concept

    A) The product concept holds that consumers will favor those products that offer the most
    quality, performance, or innovative features.
    The Selling Concept
    A) The selling concept holds that consumers and businesses, will ordinarily not buy
    enough of the organization’s products, therefore, the organization must undertake
    aggressive selling and promotion effort.
    The Marketing Concept
    A) The marketing concept holds that the key to achieving organizational goals consists of
    the company being more effective than competitors in creating, delivering, and
    communicating superior customer value to your chosen target markets.
    The Holistic Marketing Concept
    The holistic marketing concept is based on the development, design, and implementation of
    marketing programs, processes, and activities that recognize their breadth and
    interdependencies. Holistic marketing acknowledges that everything matters in marketing—
    and that a broad, integrated perspective is often necessary.
    Holistic marketing recognizes and reconciles the scope and complexities of marketing
    Holistic marketing:
    A) Relationship marketing
    B) Integrated marketing
    C) Internal marketing
    D) Performance marketing
    Relationship Marketing: a key goal of marketing is to develop deep, enduring relationships
    with people and organizations that directly or indirectly affect the success of the firm’s
    marketing activities.
    Relationship marketing aims to build mutually satisfying long-term relationships with key
    constituents in order to earn and retain their business.
    Four key constituents of relationship marketing are:
    a. Customers
    b. Employees
    c. Marketing partners
    d. And members of the financial community
    The ultimate outcome of relationship marketing is a unique company asset called a marketing
    network, consisting of the company and its supporting stakeholders.

    The operating principle is simple: build an effective network of relationships with key
    stakeholders and profits will follow.
    Companies are also shaping separate offers, services, and messages to individual customers,
    based on information about past transactions.
    Because attracting a new customer may cost five times as much as doing a good enough job to
    retain an existing one, relationship marketing also emphasizes customer retention.
    Integrated Marketing
    Integrated marketing occurs when the marketer devises marketing activities and assembles
    marketing programs to create, communicate, and deliver value for consumers such that “the
    whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”
    Two key themes are:
    1) Many different marketing activities can create, communicate, and deliver
    2) Marketers should design and implement any one marketing activity with all
    other activities in mind
    All company communications must be integrated – integrated communication strategy means
    choosing communication options that reinforce and complement each other.
    The company must also develop an integrated channel strategy.
    Online marketing activities are increasingly prominent in building brands and sales.
    Internal Marketing
    Internal marketing, an element of holistic marketing, is the task of hiring, training, and
    motivating, able employees who want to serve customers well.
    Marketing is no longer the responsibility of a single department—it is a company-wide
    undertaking that drives the company’s vision, mission, and strategic planning.
    Performance Marketing
    Performance marketing requires understanding the financial and non-financial returns to
    business and society from marketing activities and programs.
    1) Financial accountability: marketers are increasingly being asked to justify
    their spending in terms of brand building and growing the customer base.
    2) Social responsibility marketing: Marketers must consider the ethical,
    environmental, legal, and social context of their role and activities.
    THE NEW 4 P’S
    Old 4 P’s New 4 P’s

    Product People
    Place Processes
    Promotion Programs
    Price Performance
    People reflect internal marketing and the fact that employees are critical to marketing success.
    Processes reflect all the creativity, discipline, and structure brought to marketing management.
    Programs reflect all of the firm’s consumer-directed activities.
    Performance is holistic marketing to capture the range of possible outcomes/measures that
    have financial and non-financial implications, and implications beyond the company itself.
    With the holistic marketing philosophy as a backdrop, we can identify a specific set of tasks
    that make up successful marketing management and marketing leadership.
    A) Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans (Chapter 2).
    B) Capturing Marketing Insights (Chapters 3 and 4).
    C) Connecting with Customers (Chapters 5, 6, and 7).
    D) Building Strong Brands (Chapters 9, 10, and 11).
    E) Shaping the Market Offerings (Chapters 12 and 13).
    F) Delivering Value (Chapters 15 and 16).
    G) Communicating Value (Chapters 17, 18, and 19).
    H) Creating Long-Term Growth (Chapters 20, 21, and 22).
    Marketing memo: Marketer’s frequently asked questions
    Lists the 14 most commonly asked questions in preparing a marketing plan.




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