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Implementing and Validating the Quality System


Implementing and Validating the Quality System

Implementing and Validating the Quality System



Chapter Outline:


•      Building Blocks for the System of Quality Improvement

•      Internal Validation: Documenting And Assessing the Quality System

•      Quality Audits

•      Validating the Quality System





Now that the text has defined all of the facets of being best-in-class or best-in-the-world, how do you implement the plans and procedures to achieve that status?


How does a company assess where they are in achieving this goal?  How do they move to the next level?  This chapter provides the tools to evaluate your position and move to the next level.


Companies also should recognize that these approaches are not short-term fixes.  They require long-term commitment and support that are probably going to be more obvious in firms that have established quality programs.







Discussion Questions


1. The model in Figure 15-1 shows people as the basis of the quality system. Do you agree with this assertion? Why or why not?




The base of the entire system in this diagram is people.  A theme of this text has been empowering people so that continuing quality improvement is a part of the job.  On page 402 the text states:


People represent the core of a firm’s capabilities because they provide the intellect, empathy, and ability that are required to provide outstanding customer service.



2. There are regions where the three spheres of quality overlap. What are some of the overlaps between management, assurance, and control? Why are they important?


The overlaps are really quite obvious.  None of these three spheres are independent. Chapter 1 presents a simpler view of the three spheres of quality on page 18:



An overview of the tasks for these spheres can be identified as:


•      Quality control: monitoring, measuring, and optimizing

•      Quality assurance: design, engineering, and process improvement

•      Quality management: planning, leading, and facilitating.


The relationships are obvious.


3. Review the concept of enterprise capabilities. Pick a firm and determine what you think is the enterprise capability for that firm.


On page 405, enterprise capabilities are defined as:


Enterprise capabilities are those capabilities firms have that make them unique and attractive to customers.


In any industry there are facets of some firms that differentiate them from their competition.  One might ask: “What is the difference between a Chevrolet and a Cadillac?”


An interesting classroom discussion might be having the class identify products within an industry and list the facets that differentiate them fro m each other.



4. Why is internal assessment a necessary tool for outstanding companies?


Internal assessments provide a cadre of trained people who can continuously monitor the internal systems.  An external audit, while potentially delivering valuable information, is a single event.  An internal auditor can regularly view the process and any improvement accomplishment.


With a proper system of internal assessments, the external audit can be even more valuable.

5. At what stage do you believe a company would be ready for internal assessment?


Chapter 5 discusses gap analysis.  Figures 5-3 and 5-4 on pages 117 and 118 defines the context of the analysis.





Correction of these gaps, or a procedure in place to eliminate them, is the first element for being prepared for internal assessment.  If many gaps exist, the internal assessment would be self-defeating.


6. At what stage does a company become ready for Baldrige-based internal assessment?

Ideally, a mature process would be appropriate for Baldrige-based assessment.  However, the Baldrige Figure 15-2 on page 408 presents an overview of the stages for a Baldrige-based internal audit.




This is one example of a tool that can be used in improving quality.  A good class exercise involves teams performing this assessment and reporting their results.


7. Define the different types of audits. Pick a company and define which type would be best for it. Support your answer.


The textbook goes into detail on the various types of quality audit.  They include:

•      Supplier audits

•      Operational audits

•      Performance audits

•      Certification audits

•      Award audits

•      Consultant audits


Each audit has a different goal and potential outcomes.  The class discussion will be very useful here.


8. The Boise City Leadership model is an interesting model for a governmental entity. Is this model different from a model that would be used for a for-profit firm? Why or why not?


In the Boise City Audit, a model was built, which can be found on page 417, Figure 15-5:




Based on this model the variables that needed analysis were isolated.  This is a straightforward technique that can be applied to any situation.  The emphasis is placed upon defining the situation and identifying problems before any analysis can be effectively done.


9. What are the enablers for quality improvement in a school? What are they in a firm where you have worked (see Fig. 15-4)?


Figure 15-4 identifies the generic auditing steps. 




The answer is probably related to the culture at the school or firm.  In class discussion, one might list the steps and identify people or positions that fall under these categories.  After this has been done then the class can perform the exercise as either a team or individual.





















Case 15-1 Setting Priorities Using the Baldrige Criteria







1. How did you select particular projects from the feedback report?

2. What are some of the weaknesses of this approach?

3. Why would it be good to use a mix of internal and external examiners as are recommended in the chapter?

4. How did you prioritize projects for improvement?

5. Was all of the feedback meaningful? What are some of the attributes of useful feedback?



This case study is the final case study in the text.  It is also a fitting case to summarize the entire text.  It would be non-productive to supply short answers to each of these questions.  I would suggest that this would be an excellent project for team presentations.  It could also be either a term paper or a take-home final.




1.     Administer the survey instrument in A Closer Look at Quality 15-1 to a local business owner and report your findings. 


Results will vary.  The findings can be presented in writing or orally. 


2.  Administer the survey instrument in A Closer Look at Quality 15-1 to the employees of the business from Problem 1 above.  Compare the employees’ and owner’s responses to see where they differ significantly.


This is an interesting team project to point out those owners and employees have differing perceptions relative to company performance. 



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上一篇:Strategic Quality Planning


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